Climate change impacts: a CGE modeling approach - Shinichiro FUJIMORI IAMC - Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium 22:27 4 years ago 151 Далее Скачать
Shinichiro FUJIMORI (Kyoto University and NIES) - The value of climate change impacts study IAMC - Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium 1:53 4 years ago 229 Далее Скачать
Shinichiro FUJIMORI - AIM modeling and recent on‐going research activities IAMC - Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium 1:03:29 2 years ago 213 Далее Скачать
Session 2 - CGE Approach to Assess the Impacts of Water Scarcity due to Climate Change in Japan UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources 13:19 7 years ago 159 Далее Скачать
DAY 4: PARALLEL SESSION LAND - Chair: Shinichiro FUJIMORI (Kyoto University) IAMC - Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium 1:00:52 3 years ago 29 Далее Скачать
CGE Webinar: Approaches for developing climate change scenarios UN Climate Change - Events 56:36 6 years ago 688 Далее Скачать
IAMC Scientific Working Group on National Scenarios presented by Shinichiro Fujimori IAMC - Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium 9:46 2 years ago 132 Далее Скачать
Online Training Workshop on Computable General Equilibrium Models and Policy Analysis - Day 3 ERF Official 2:45:28 3 years ago 584 Далее Скачать
Day 1 | Part 1 | Incorporating Climate into Macroeconomic Modeling: A Workshop National Academies - Earth and Life Studies 1:59:42 1 year ago 348 Далее Скачать
Day 1 | Part 3 | Incorporating Climate into Macroeconomic Modeling: A Workshop National Academies - Earth and Life Studies 1:14:17 1 year ago 52 Далее Скачать
Day 1 | Part 2 | Incorporating Climate into Macroeconomic Modeling: A Workshop National Academies - Earth and Life Studies 1:35:14 1 year ago 65 Далее Скачать
Adapting Buildings: Modeling the Impacts of Climate Change Architecture and Planning | University at Buffalo 55:29 5 years ago 205 Далее Скачать
2022 GTAP Conference - Session #42 - Trade and Climate Change Global Trade Analysis Project - GTAP 1:40:39 2 years ago 355 Далее Скачать
Using a global static CGE to assess the effect of climate volatility AGRODEP IFPRI 15:56 12 years ago 1 885 Далее Скачать
Assessing impact through macro-economic modelling framework- CGE approach #day4 #session2 NAHEP-CAAST IARI 1:45:12 3 years ago 399 Далее Скачать
SCCASC Climate Model Basics South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center 19:21 3 years ago 553 Далее Скачать
NEXUS Gains Talks 3: Foresight Modelling and Tradeoff Analysis for Water–Energy–Food Nexus CGIAR 56:36 2 years ago 192 Далее Скачать
DAY 3: PARALLEL SESSION ECONOMICS 1 - Chair: Elmar KRIEGLER (PIK) IAMC - Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium 46:23 2 years ago 60 Далее Скачать